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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

I Git Busy

While I was on vacation, I got a friendly email reminding me that my WUSS 2012 paper was due July 30th.  Yikes!  I had exactly one week to get home and write it.  My mother calls it procrastinating.  I prefer to think of it as Lazy Loading.

So I was a bit busy last week.

But I finished it.  And I think it's good.  At least, I hope it's good.

It is an Introduction to Git Version Control for SAS Programmers.

You see, back in March I wrote this blog post asking about the version control you use while developing SAS programs:

Based on the _underwhelming_ response, I assumed most SAS programmers were like me and didn't use a version control system because version control is an enterprise thing and I was doing programming on my own or in small teams.  That was until I discovered Git.  Now version control is mine.  It belongs to me and is part of my workflow.  I'm enthusiastic about how it's helped me as a coder.  Hopefully my presentation and paper will share that enthusiasm with you.