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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Clean Up Clean Up

Clean up.
Clean up.

Everybody everwhere.

Clean up.
Clean up.

Everybody do your share.

This is the song my wife taught our two-year old daughter in the hopes that it would make clean-up fun and encourage more of it. Sometimes it works really well and sometimes not so well. Every now and then it backfires completely and my toddler makes a big mess just so she can run around in circles singing the Clean Up song. Leaving Mommy or Daddy to do the actual cleaning.

As SAS programmers, we are given a lot of freedom to easily create as many data sets as the system will allow in the workspace. I have met many SAS programmers that do not even carry a thought about the conseqences of keeping all those work data sets hanging around. Some of the trickiest bugs to track down can be caused by stale work data sets (especially when running interactive SAS).

I have found it very useful to delete all work data sets if I am working a piece of code repeatedly. That way I make sure previous runs don't taint current runs. A simple proc datasets does the trick:

proc datasets library=work mt=data nodetails nolist KILL;

So now that you've got the song and the code, you have no excuses for leaving a mess in the work library :)

Clean up! Clean Up! Everybody Everywhere!


  1. Oops, forgot to put the all important kill option on the proc datasets!

  2. How about global macro variables? Good idea to clean them up between invocations as well.

  3. Harry, that's a good idea to clean out global macro vars as they can cause all kinds of confusing chaos while developing. I believe the macro function to delete macro variables is %SYMDEL(). Sounds like a good topic for another article. Thanks Harry!
